What do you think of? Where does your mind go?
by David Brenneman
"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness."
Romans 12:1-8.
How often are you thinking about what specific purpose that you are alive for in this point in human history? Because you were.
You weren't born to be all you can be for yourself.
You weren't born to become rich, famous or any other such thing for your own benefit until you die.
You weren't placed in human history at some random point for you to figure it out all on your own.
Your life was intended to only be found in Christ Jesus. His workmanship being manifested in you every moment of every day.
What are you doing to discover God's purpose and mission for you? Are you accumulating people and voices that tell you what you want to hear? Even Christians can do that. Even Believers can be mislead to believe they are doing the will of God when in truth they are not. Disobedience in even one area is as bad as disobeying in everything. Doesn't matter how many 'Godly things' we do to get the Spirit to not look there or go there.
The worst possible place to be is to be fully convinced of something in our lives, our choices, that God isn't wanting for us.
How often are Spiritual matters important to you? A few seconds of your day? A few moments, spread out here or there? Maybe 5 to ten minutes a day?
Do you even recognize how paltry that is in light of the horrific sacrifice Jesus did on the cross to save a wretch like you?
How much of your thinking is how well you can convince you that you're ok with your choices even though even a single Bible passage says you're wrong? News flash: God's Word is never wrong. If Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, so is His Word.
How often have you played so close to sin that it no longer scares you? How often have you dabbled in it and have come away from it believing that it wasn't so bad? That you weren't hurt by it?
How much of your time is at all spent with Jesus because you really wanted to?
You who are in Christ were meant for a deep relationship with Jesus. You were meant to become conformed to His likeness. To His way of thinking. To leave self behind. To put it off. Meaning, getting your way is no longer important to you.
Sooner or later unrepentant sin WILL catch up to everyone. Casting aside what the Spirit wants for you will catch up with you.
Serving self before serving God will catch up with you.
Where does your heart and mind go when you're left to yourself? Do you at all realize that a deeper relationship with Jesus is His Will for you?
We will not get life right without living for the purpose for which we were born in this world for, which is a rich, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ.
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul?
What will a man give in exchange for his soul?
Taking up our own cross daily means to have that be what we are only doing daily.
Living for Jesus, a life that is true, Striving to please Him in all that I do. There's that word again "all".
He wants our all on the altar.
Wants all of us. Not weekend visits.
Do you pick apart others? Is that a Godly thing to do?
Do you prefer one another above yourself? Isn't that the Godly thing to do?
Do you set your mind on your day your way each day?
Do you set your mind on things above and not on the things that are of this world?
What occupies your heart and mind?
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