Where Did You Set Your Mind?
by David Brenneman
“No one, after lighting a lamp, puts it away in a cellar nor under a basket, but on the lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light. The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Then watch out that the light in you is not darkness. If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays.” Luke 11:33-36.
It's often a joke of mine when people see me thinking through a situation to ask me what I'm looking for. I often reply that I'm still looking for my mind an nobody seems to want to help me find it.
What do you focus on? Is it in your here and now or always in the future? Is it in seeking alternate realities in book, movie or television? Is it in retreating to the sports world?
We don't realize that the single most important gift to us is time.
God doesn't HAVE to give you another second of heartbeats.
God doesn't HAVE to give you another breath to breathe.
These are gifts that are a part of grace. God's unmerited favor towards everyone. We have done nothing to earn that favor. Thanks to the original sin, we live in sinful lifestyles.
Satan's schemes include whatever it takes to keep any Believer from fulfilling the plan and purpose for the Spirit of God for them.
His plans are more than we can ask or think yet we settle for pursuing lesser things.
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than ours...and we settle for less.
We are told what leads to righteousness yet we seek out whatever is right in our own eyes.
Convinced of what we say we deserve we don't look for whatever the Spirit wants us to be doing as more important.
If indeed you are saved, you are a child of God with a purpose. Before you came to Christ Jesus for salvation, you were dead in your trespasses and sins. Now, you are alive in Christ and are citizens of Heaven. A transformed life is our present and our future. The old things have passed away behold new things have come is what we have learned from the Bible.
It doesn't take much to set your mind down somewhere. We are often more than that joke about getting a dog's attention after it sees a squirrel.
Set your mind on the things that are above and not on the things that are of this world. Be intentional.
Many don't want to talk about the end times. Since Jesus departed to return to Heaven and His throne...we have been living in the End Times.
Those who were the recipients of the letters that make up most of the New Testament were living lives in eager anticipation of the possible return of Jesus. They were taught to live sensibly in the world. To live lives in such a way that people see their good works and glorify their Father in Heaven. They were taught to set their minds on the things that are above and not on the things that are of this world. They never saw that day of the return of Jesus Christ but lived lives, to the best of their ability, in anticipation of it happening.
How exciting would you be for some person whom you look up to visiting with you? Or even of realizing you are important enough to them to take the time to be with you?
If your life, how you have lived it, is important enough to Jesus to tell you in advance that there will be a review of it...and the collective outcome of the results would show how much He meant to you in your life...wouldn't you strive to live it better now?
News flash...He did say that.
How excited for things happening in your world are you that you don't show towards the things of God that He's orchestrated in your life?
How excited are you for things in your world that you neglect to thank Jesus for?
How excited are you about the misplaced things that you hold dear that have no Heavenly value that those feelings and emotions that ought to be directed at Jesus?
How are you on living life right now that shows you are ready to see Jesus today?
We are only still here because there are people who are a step or steps away from coming to Christ for salvation. As the parable of the talents reveals...we are to do something with what we have been given in Christ. Not put it under a rock. Not to hold onto it until we do see Him face-to-face again.
Our sanctification does happen in our lives daily...but isn't necessary.
Consider it that upon leaving this world our sanctification is instantly completed. Our sanctification is as much for our benefit as it is for those God has placed in our lives. We get to know our Savior and Lord better. The process of sanctification shows those who haven't come to Christ for salvation just how much the love of Christ Jesus really is and that He wants to show them how much as well.
Where have you set your mind?
Is there enough evidence to convict you of a life in Christ or would you have to try to convince others that it is true about you?
How clear are your eyes? Are you focusing on the here and now of living life in such a way that people see you good works and glorify your Father in Heaven?
Are you seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus rather than constantly putting that off to get what you want out of life?
Is what's important to Jesus important to you? He died for me and you...isn't that worth our best efforts to live for Him? Are you giving your best to Jesus or does He get the leftovers? Leftover time. Leftover prayer. Leftover interest in the things of God that could have eternal implications.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Doing this, following this, goes back to today's passage. It clears your eyes.
All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.
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