Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Third Jihad partial Review

Been reading "The Third Jihad" by Michael Youseff. It's an eye opener about today. The world in which we live.  It certainly speaks to the true nature of the depths of the Spiritual War that we are in. So many in the Church and outside of it have their head in the sand.

I have no doubts in the power of God, nor has my faith been shaken in any negative way while reading this book. However it's like my eyes have been opened to a much truer reality of life on this planet in light of Scripture. The war is very real folks. The difference is like a 1970's tv vs a 1080 HD TV. You see details you never knew were there.

I once said after 9/11 that then President Bush's statement about waging a war on terror was so wrong. It's not a war on terror.  We have an enemy that has no uniform,  no warnings. No amassed troops at a border.  It's Islam versus God. Not just Israel, but everyone who is a Christian or even an Atheist. If you are not a practicing Muslim, you are the enemy.

Seeing more accurately the prophecies of the Bible coming true just shows me just how close to the Rapture we are. The groundwork of the influence of Islam is there. From your news reporting to your government officials. It's not just the radical factions of ISIS, but the quiet political victories they are accumulating to silence the Church and teach Islam in our public schools. In the name of tolerance our society says it's hate speech to speak against Islam. Think about that.

I am not even three quarters of the way through this book and it's intense.  Seeing things in this life with a different pair of glasses is stunning.

He takes a great risk in writing about all that he is showing in this book.  He even writes about other outspoken people who were pretty much chased all over the world to try to silence their inside knowledge of the plans of Islam. 

I am so grateful for the words of Jesus in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

I also take comfort in what's said in Romans "There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" Jesus always has the last word.  We who are alive will be caught up with those who have died in Christ at His return.  Jesus promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. 

God's promises always thwart Satan's plans.

It may be a lot to digest in this book but I am glad that he took the risk in putting this out there.

Even so come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen.

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