Sunday, March 24, 2024

A Clock in Heaven

A Clock in Heaven?
by David Brenneman 

As is our weekly thing to Wife and I make our rounds to several local and not so local thrift stores. One of my favorite things to do is sift through the book sections.  

Friday I saw repeated book titles of along the lines of asking the same question. "Are we living in the end times?" The simplest answer is yes.  

Human history with regard to God's point of view is split at the cross of Jesus Christ. There's before salvation's offering and after the work of Jesus on the cross to bring salvation. Once Jesus sat down at the right hand of God His Father, the clock was ticking towards the day He would return to come back for His Church.  

What an irony that comes to my mind is that in a place where time doesn't exist...there's a clock.  

Jesus said that evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse...this includes within the professing churches of the world. 

Jesus said that no man knows the day nor the hour. Jesus didn't know? Why yes, at that point He didn't know because He hadn't been through the work of the cross in His obedience to the Father’s will. Satan was absolutely confident that he was going to succeed at the time Jesus died on the cross. Satan was convinced his version of the world that would come was going to really start with Jesus out of the way. We sort of read that in the words of the High Priest with regards to the possible impact or lack of by Jesus. 

Once Jesus arose from the dead, completing the first part of saving those of mankind who would come to Him for salvation, sitting down at the right hand of God the Father...yes at that moment He knew when He was going to return. He and the Father were One again. 

The very early Church was looking at the times they lived in as being when Jesus would return. We have been in those times for over 2024 years and counting...give or take a couple years. 

Jesus said to be on the alert for you do not know the day nor the hour of His return. 

So what manor of Believers ought we to be?  

Jesus told us that had the man of the house known at what time that someone was going to break in that he would have been ready for him. To be on the alert. 

Should Jesus indeed come in my lifetime...I want to be found by Him as a doer of the Word and not just a hearer only.  

A doer of the Word of God is interested in what aspects of life are directives from God's Word that are written for us to follow in obedience.  

Living life in such a way that people see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. I really love how I saw Jeff Foxworthy put it in addressing people at a conference. To live a life with such an aroma that people want that for themselves. 

What does your aroma smell like in regards to you living life for your Savior and Lord Jesus Christ?

What are you seeking in this life that has absolutely nothing to do with your life in Godliness in Christ Jesus?  

What are you doing that the Spirit defines as sin? 

Who cares how the world views things. If God says it's sin and the evils thereof...then my Dear Reader it's sin.

It's not just the unbelieving that live a life of what Paul wrote in the book of Romans as practiced sins. Believers in this world have practiced sins. Sins that are willingly done on purpose. From swearing to deceitful scheming to blatantly selfish acts to hoarding to any sin that mankind is capable of committing. 

Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse. 

With regards to the day we all have to give an account of our lives before Jesus...Jesus said many will have their works of their lives tried by fire and nothing will remain. Only they themselves will enter Heaven and they will have nothing to offer back to Jesus for all He's done to save them. 

Being on the alert means to be ready to go. Be ready because you have been so warned. Be ready because He told you to be ready.

Have your work in Christ completed to date. Have your heart loving God with your everything and loving others. Putting whatever the Spirit says is important for YOU ahead of what you want or think that you want. 

Are we living in the End Times? Absolutely. Are you ready to appear before Jesus Christ? That's the important motivator. 

All NASB 1995 and NASB Scripture Excerpts used by permission. (C) Lockman Foundation.

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