Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Jesus is the Life

And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?” Luke 9:54 James and John were called the “Sons of Thunder.” When they discovered a Samaritan village that would not receive Jesus, they were fully prepared to call down fire to consume the entire community! Perhaps they felt that through such a show of power, their gospel message might be enhanced. The two brothers were willing to sacrifice the lives of the villagers in order to further the cause of the gospel. Jesus rebuked them. Later, the apostles heard that Samaria had responded to the gospel (Acts 8:14). Who was commissioned to go and help them receive the Holy Spirit but Peter and John! God's purpose had not been to destroy those people but to save them. God chose not to rain down fire on the village, but to shower it with His Holy Spirit. What must have gone through John's mind as he saw those same people, whom he had been ready to destroy, now rejoicing in their salvation? How grateful he must have been that Jesus had prevented him from carrying out his plans! What an enormous contrast between man's thinking and God's! Man's thinking would have resulted in the destruction of an entire village. God's plan brought salvation to it. People will benefit far more from what God wants to give them than from your best plans. Have you been shortchanging the people around you by merely giving them your plans instead of God's? - Blackaby Experiencing God Day by Day 

I see the work of Your Hands
Galaxies spin in a Heavenly dance oh God
All that You are is so overwhelming
I hear the sound of Your Voice
All at once it’s a gentle and thundering noise oh God
All that You are is so overwhelming
I delight myself in You
Captivated by Your beauty
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You
God, I run into Your arms
Unashamed because of mercy
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You
I know the power of Your Cross
Forgiven and free forever You’ll be my God
And all that You’ve done is so overwhelming
I delight myself in You
In the Glory of Your Presence
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You
And God I run into Your arms
Unashamed because of mercy
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You
You are Beautiful, You are Beautiful
Oh God, there is

I'm Overwhelmed - Big Daddy Weave

In this life we do just as the Bible says we seek it out.  But as Jesus said, those who do need but turn to Him to find it.

We aren't going to find it in success or money or sexual promiscuity. It's not going to be found in virtual reality or reality TV shows.  It's not found in exotic places. It's not found on Earth or in space. 

It's found in Christ.  As it began with Him, so it is for believers.  To gain life, you must give it away.  You must live for Jesus and not yourself. 

Look at the lyrics of that song.  I indeed am overwhelmed by all that Christ has done in my life.  Regardless of the messes that I get into He still finds a way to be honored in it.  I am thankful that He can do that!  As the hymn says of a wretch like me.  I am nobody special in anyone's eyes but His.  I am His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works that He has prepared.  

But if I do all that, I will miss out! 

On what?  Temporary things that as Scripture says moth and rust will destroy? 
Countless trillions of dollars are spent trying to keep things the same at so-called historical landmarks.  Trillions.  People are in need of the basics in life and we spend trillions to protect animals, birds and everything else in creation. 

Jesus didn't come to give His life for anything but mankind.  Not the rest of creation.  Newsflash people. After the Tribulation, after the 1,000 year reign of Christ, this entire universe is going to be destroyed.  Read the last 2 chapters of Revelation.  

In this life we as believers are to live to be of service to our Savior.  Luke 12 He says blessed we are if when He comes He finds us doing what He commanded. 

Are you living for yourself? Are you caught up in those worldly things mentioned earlier?  Is your mind on things above and not on what the rest of the world is doing?
Scripture says to set your mind on things above.  Intense focus. 

Today look at your life and see if you need to downsize your personal life and increase your Spiritual life.  Jesus is the Life.  To come alive is to live for the one who we just celebrated raising from the dead.  Are you? 

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