Thursday, November 28, 2019

Painting a Picture

My Bible reading takes me to the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What was very interesting to me has been the passage today from the New Testament. 1 Peter 5.  Verse 2 has a word in it: sordid.

The dictionary definition: involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.

Peter was writing specifically to the Elders of the Church.  Of how they should and shouldn't be.  Read in other places from Jesus Himself about Him being the Chief Shepherd.  The wow of this morning was the complementary section to read in Ezekiel 34.  Where the Lord Jesus spoke of practically the same thing.  About so-called shepherds.  About how they used and abused those they were to watch over.   He gives an example of how a Shepherd ought to be in Ezekiel.  It certainly is what Jesus was in His earthly ministry.   Ezekiel 34 was a prophecy and it was fulfilled in Jesus. 

Earlier in Ezekiel, where I have been reading, the Lord Jesus makes it clear, He is unwilling that even the evil should perish.  But that they turn around and repent. 

So why do people still go to Hell?  Because my dear reader the choice is in your hands.  You choose life in Christ or you choose life apart from Christ.  There is but 1 door to enter Heaven.  Jesus.  He has said it and it's been proven as true.  He is THE way, THE truth and THE life.  No one comes to the Father but through Him. 

You can choose to live your life the hard way, apart from God or live it in the power of the resurrected Christ.  You choose.

I firmly relate to Ezekiel 33 that I also read today.  "Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth and give them warning from Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life."

I believe that in May, God had called me to something like this.  That is at the core of this blog.  He speaks and I write.  Now, I get it that many may not agree with what I post.  That's between you and God.  I cannot do anything apart from repeating what I am told.  It's been an amazing experience that every single day, sometimes like yesterday it's 3 times in a day, God speaks and I type.  I have said before also that I don't consider myself a great writer. What you read and understand isn't from me.  I give God all the credit in how these posts turn out. 

If your mind and heart strings are affected, then Praise the Lord. If you are irritated at what you read, again, Praise the Lord.  It means that something was said you were meant to read and consider. 

As to where this post today began, it was along the lines of others where as I have experienced many kinds of Churches in this town where we live.  In them we have seen the very types of Pastors that Peter was warning about in 1 Peter 5.  Men who use their positions for sordid gain.  Who personally are doing what they are to personally profit from it. Likewise we have seen Pastors who have the servants heart.  Who lead but do so as to serve rather than be served.  As Jesus spoke of being like. 

When we don't bring our ideas of who and what God is to be like to the world, but share what He had shown Himself to be...then our light is shining. It's reflecting the light of Christ to the dark world around us.  Some say it's dangerous to think like that.  I honestly have been told that recently.  I compare Scripture with Scripture.  It's what the Berean Church did in the New Testament.  I ask God, "What does this mean?"  I mean, really, the Bible isn't a dead document. It's alive. We can ask the author all about it.  It doesn't need to be guesswork.  It says of itself that it's not a matter of ones own interpretation.  But of men moved by God.  You can be moved by God in reading His book. Ask Him!  I was once told by a Pastor, as well as the whole congregation.  "Don't you dare take my word for it! Look it up for yourself!"

We have much to be thankful for today.  I am thankful for the peace God has brought to me.  There's a joy that He had brought that passes all understanding.  Much of my life has been hard lessons but I am so thankful that He is faithful to be with me always and continues to teach me.  Jesus had shown me so much, has given so much.  I fail to see where I deserve any of the Grace He has given but He does it anyway.  I am in awe of finding myself used of God in this blog.  I am in awe of His love for me even when I stumble and fall.  He never grows tired of picking me up, cleaning me up, and helping me to walk with Him again. 

These thoughts today may seem random but again it's not from me.  If any part touches anyone I give it all to Jesus. 

I am thankful to be useful to my Master. 
I love you Jesus!

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