Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Alone with you?

Alone with you?

In the morning my prayer comes before you. PSALM 88:13 

I believe the best time to get alone with God is early morning—it sets the tone for your entire day. He’ll show you things and tell you things that will make the difference at crisis points during the next twelve hours or so. After you talk with the Lord and walk with Him through the schedule that lies ahead of you, He’ll strengthen and encourage you to make every point of your day an act of worship. Another advantage to a morning time with God is that He’ll plant His Word in your heart. You’ll be amazed at how often the very verse you studied over your morning coffee will have key significance a few hours later. Ask the Spirit to illuminate your study, and then go over your Scripture passage reflectively. Try to take that verse with you the rest of the day so that it’s never far from your mind. The Word of God is essential to the worship of God, and there’s simply nothing so encouraging as His timeless and powerful Word. One little verse is enough to give you a divine perspective throughout the day. - Dr. David Jeremiah Morning and Evening 

Do you ever or have you ever gotten alone with God?  Do you ever start your day with Jesus?  Do you at all wake up and know that very shortly you will be setting aside time to be with Jesus?  Or are you doing like the rest of the pagan world and get up, with no regard for your walk with God and run out into the world, set on a day you want, not a day that includes Him?

You, who claim to be a child of God, do you live it? Do you walk it?

You who think that your life is in shreds, that no good can come of your living, have you ever truly come to Christ to see what living daily for Him would do for you?

Not much difference between a purported Christian and an unbeliever when both aren't obeying the Scriptures.  

Is your success more important than obedience to God?  Is being physically successful, financially successful, more important than obedience to God?  Are you trying to make your life right before telling God you're ready for Him?  

My Friend, Dear Reader, as a phrase goes about bringing people to Christ, we catch em He cleans em.  In all cases it is Jesus who heals the soul, who changes the heart and mind.  It is He who begins a good work within us who says He will continue it until the day of Christ Jesus or He calls us home.  That's Scripture, so where are you getting these thoughts of needing to be right before you think that God can use you? Where are you getting these thoughts that say you have to be clean before He will save you? 

Before you get yourself going down the wrong path, stop, get off the road, take time to be with Jesus. 

In more ways than I can say my starting my day with Jesus takes my day more places than I ever could on my own.   I pray on my way to work, after reading before leaving home.  My Day cannot succeed in any way without Jesus directing it, without His going before me into it.

All I can do from this recliner is to share with you what God had done for me.  

But it all begins with time alone with God. 

Jesus, according to all 4 Gospels, often got away to be with His Father.  

If HE needed to, and He was fully empowered by the Spirit, what does that say of you and I?

Success isn't found in money or personal gain.  It's never found in sports or politics.  Believe it or not it's not found in Church. 

It's only found in a life WITH Christ.  The successes of Jesus were not singularly found in the Temple.   They were found where He met with His Father. 

The world counts success in your possessions and status.  Not so with Jesus.  When you die, your wealth and status stay here. Your possessions stay here.  Only that which the believer stores up in Heaven is waiting for him or her there.  Likewise nobody takes anything with them to Hell.  It's not a party center down there.  

Before you run out the door today or if you read this after you do, start over and get with Jesus.  

You indeed might not understand your Bible.  Keep reading it anyway.  It's food for your soul.  Your soul will make use of it as long as it's been given to Jesus.  The Bible says that the natural man cannot understand the things of God for it is foolishness to them.  Meaning the unbeliever will not understand it at all and counts it as foolishness. The believer will begin to see God in the pages of it. He or she will begin to see the world differently because of it. 

So don't go through your day without Christ.  Take time out for Jesus, He took time out of Eternity to be your sacrifice and to take your place in order to cover your sins. 

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