Thursday, February 25, 2021

What YOU were born to be

What YOU were born to be 

But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa. Jonah 1:3 ESV 

Instead of going to Nineveh to preach the Word, as God told him to do, Jonah disliked the calling and went to Joppa to escape it. There are occasions when God’s servants shy away from their duty. But what are the consequences? What did Jonah lose by his conduct? Jonah lost the presence and comfortable enjoyment of God’s love. When we serve our Lord Jesus as believers should do, God is with us. Even if the whole world is against us, what does that matter if we have God with us? But the moment we turn around and pursue our own ways, we are at sea without a pilot. And then we cry and groan, “Oh, God, where have you gone? How could I have been so foolish as to run from your service and lose the bright shining of your face? This is a price too high—let me return to my allegiance, so I might rejoice in your presence.” Jonah also lost his peace of mind. Sin will soon destroy a believer’s comfort. It is the poisonous upas tree, whose leaves secrete deadly drops that destroy the life of joy and peace. Jonah lost everything from which he might have drawn comfort in any other case. He could not plead promises of divine protection, because he wasn’t following God’s ways. He couldn’t say, “Lord, I’m facing difficulties in the pursuit of my duty, so please help me through them.” He was reaping his own deeds, and filled with his own ways. Christian, do not imitate Jonah unless you want to have the waves and billows rolling over your head. You will find in the long run that it is far harder to run from the work and the will of God than simply to yield to it immediately. Jonah lost his time, because he had to go to Nineveh after all. It is hard to fight against God. Let us yield ourselves immediately. - C.H. Spurgeon Morning and Evening 

Each of us was born in the time in which we COULD be the most effective in service to God. 

Ever wonder how it would have been like living in another time?  We often go to places that do recreations of former time periods.  To see what things were like back then.   Then the odd thing happens when there an maybe catch workers there on a break only to see them interacting with modern conveniences. 

Time travel has long been a fascinating thing to fiction writers.  Belief that one could go forward or backward in time.  Perhaps one of the most famous stories would be H.G. Wells "The Time Machine".

We often look to science fiction to escape. To reality TV to escape.  What of the possibility of a real time traveler?  Scripture says one or two have existed. Maybe three.  Daniel, John and maybe Paul.  Jesus permitted them to see the future that in every single thing has been accurate.  

The importance of the factual evidence and account of the Bible should be of paramount importance to you.  Put it to you another way, the Bible is the number one enemy of Satan.  He has tried from the beginning of his creation to fight against it. Yet his fight an perhaps your fight against it is and and always will be in vain. 

Time travel as shown in the Bible is one directional. The future of mankind.  Prophecy is a review of the future that God has kept His promise in fulfilling.  Rather than jumping to that time we see it revealed in its proper time. 

This to say that you are living in the most perfect time for you to do the most for God.  Many, if not all, people would love to know what happens next in life.  How they can avoid pitfalls and failures.  Whole business models exist to predict future earnings on past trends.  

There is only one who knows the future and it's obvious from Scripture that He isn't going to reveal more than we are able to comprehend.  

You were created in Christ Jesus for good works that you might walk in them.  You have a purpose in God's Plan to both grow in Christ and to share with others what great things He has done for you.  The man possessed by "Legion" in the Gospels was instructed by Jesus to go and tell others of the great things God had done for him. A man ill since before Jesus came in Bethlehem was thought to have been that way because either he or his parents had sinned.  Jesus said no, it was so that the works of God would be manifested in him. 

There's lessons to be learned from the past, but also too the past isn't a place for us to live.  To ignore the past means you will be doomed to repeat those mistakes in the future. 

We are meant to rely on Christ each day.  If you read the books of Leviticus and Numbers...look at the underlying context. Dependence upon obedience to God meant a long life.  There's such a thing as living in the here and now.  But also in keeping an eye on the future.  Jesus said to keep an eye on it.  Look up how He says that we should be looking for His appearing.  We should be living as if today were that day. Our lives are meant to be lived in obedience.  

Are you a believer? Are you living as if your Savior could be returning today? Will you be found doing your best to be obedient when He DOES return?  Are you consumed by the things of this world and are you doing what's right in your own eyes?  Or are you living for your Savior?  Do you grumble and complain all the time?

Christians aren't perfect, they are forgiven.  But it also isn't a license to do as you please.  Read in the book of Numbers. Grumbling and complaining about not getting your own way isn't good in the eyes of God.  There's going to be times when we don't get our way.  Our way must coincide with the Plan of God for our lives. 

If you aren't a believer, you can see in today's post that life has a purpose. There is a Plan and you are here for a reason.  Jesus loves you and wants a relationship with you.  He wants you to be part of the family of God.  It isn't about all the things you "have to give up" it's about everything you will gain.  Satan tries to convince people that they lose by coming to Christ. Jesus said he is a liar and the Father of lies. Don't listen to Satan nor to your sin nature.  Come to Christ and learn who you were born to be. 

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