Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Not Alone...Always There

Not Alone...Always There 

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 

No Bible promise is of a private interpretation. Whatever God has said to any one saint, He has said to all. When He opens a well for one believer, it is done so that everyone might drink. When He opens a storehouse to give out food, one starving person may be the reason, but every hungry saint can come and eat too. Oh, believer, it doesn’t matter whether He gave the word to Abraham or to Moses; He has given it to you as one of the children of the covenant. There is not a lofty blessing too high for you, or a wide mercy too extensive. Lift up your eyes to the north and the south, to the east and the west, for everything you see is yours. Climb to Mount Pisgah’s top as Moses did (Deuteronomy 34:1), and view the farthest limits of the divine promise—for the land is all yours. There is not a brook of water from which you may not drink. If the land flows with milk and honey, eat the honey and drink the milk, for they are both yours. Be bold to believe, for God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” In this promise, God gives His people everything. “Never will I leave you.” That means no attribute of God can ever cease to work for us. Is He mighty? He will show himself strong on behalf of those who trust Him. Is He love? Then with lovingkindness He will have mercy on us. Whatever attributes may compose the character of Deity, every one of them—to its fullest extent—will be engaged on our side. There is nothing you can want or ask for, there is nothing you can need in time or eternity, there is nothing in living or in dying, there is nothing in this world or the next, there is nothing now or at the resurrection-morning or in heaven, which is not contained in this text: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” - C.H. Spurgeon Morning and Evening 

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 (NIV) 

The Christian life is an exchanged life: Jesus' life for your life. When Christ takes control, your life takes on dimensions you would never have known apart from Him. When you are weak, then Christ demonstrates His strength in your life (2 Cor. 12:9—10). When you face situations that are beyond your comprehension, you have only to ask, and the infinite wisdom of God is available to you (James 1:5). When you are faced with humanly impossible situations, God does the impossible (Luke 18:27). When you encounter people whom you find difficult to love, God expresses His unconditional love through you (1 John 4:7). When you are at a loss as to what you should pray for someone, the Spirit will guide you in your prayer life (Rom. 8:16). When Christ takes up residence in the life of a believer, “all the fullness of God” is available to that person (Eph. 3:19). It is marvelously freeing to know that God controls your life and knows what it can become. Rather than constantly worrying about what you will face, your great challenge is to continually release every area of your life to God's control. The temptation will be to try to do by yourself what only God can do. Our assignment is to “abide in the vine” and to allow God to do in and through us what only He can do (John 15:5). Only God can be God. Allow Him to live out His divine life through you. He is the only One who can. - Blackaby Experiencing God Day by Day 

Anymore these days I really get tired of "What now?" in this world.   The barrage of small things happening are always as bad as the big ones that happen.  Ignorance says that the way of life is improving, the facts say, time is short.  

It's easy to consider yourself alone in the world.  Even in a crowd of people.  I used to think long and hard about something that I called social leprosy.  How could people be with people who are supposed to be like-minded yet still feel alone?  

We have been to many Churches in the Columbus area in Ohio.  Quite often the largest issue we had was in connecting with people.  We wanted to but the more we did the less we heard from people.  

In the world its really not much different.  In the workplace, in what passes for social gatherings these days.  All these Skye, Zoom or Facetime messages.  Satan is doing everything he can to destroy the underpinnings of relationships by changing the foundation of them.  

Loneliness creeps in.  It's no wonder suicides are on the rise.  Satan is the Destroyer.  Death is in league with him.  

I consider the parable of the seeds.  How quickly some people hear the Word of God and it fizzles out. How in some it grows for a time but the world entices them away.  Those dedicated to their relationship with Jesus grow and produce fruit.  

I am not attempting to be morbid about or insensitive about suicides but all have their root in thinking that they are alone.

Even successful people can be alone. 

Satan wants you and I to believe what we are experiencing is only happening to us. 

He uses a lot of twisted words. "If God really cares...". ""Did He REALLY say...". ""Oh, you've done it now. Now He will never forgive you.". 

Thinking we are alone is one of his greatest achievements.  In Christ nobody is ever alone.  Even if you are not in Christ Jesus you are a prayer away from His being in your life.  You have to look beyond the lies of Satan.  He doesn't care how many people die.  He's not in Hell and has never been there.  He has no red body with horns. He had no pitchfork. He disguises himself as an angel of light. He goes around trying to look like God sent him!

Loneliness has a cure and it's a right relationship with Jesus.  It may be that out entire prayer to Him is written all in tears, but He understands it.  It may be that our entire prayer is written in silence and all that is heard is a groaning heart.  He understands that.  It may be that we can't stop talking in our prayers to Jesus. He's ok with that too.  

When enduring a storm you grab onto the most solid, trustworthy thing you can.  In life that's Jesus.  He takes you as you are and loves you too much to leave you that way. 

The things of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth, the longing for recognition by others, pales in comparison to being held by Jesus.  Nothing really needs to be said in those moments but at the same time everything is said. 

Come to Jesus and find that one friend that is more than you ever thought possible.  Who cares about worldly successes or failures. In Christ we have everything. We have one who loves us and cares about us unconditionally. 

Come to Jesus today all you who are weak and heavy laden and He will give you rest. 

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