Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Not Forgotten

Not Forgotten 

Do not forsake me, O LORD. Psalm 38:21 NKJV 

We often pray that God would not forsake us in our times of trial and temptation. But we forget that we need to use this prayer at all times. In our lives, there is no moment, however holy, in which we can do without God’s constant upholding. Whether in light or in darkness, in communion or in temptation, we equally need the prayer, Do not forsake me, O LORD. “Hold me up, and I shall be safe” (Psalm 119:117 NKJV). A little child, while learning to walk, always needs an adult’s aid. A ship ignored by the pilot drifts immediately from its course. We cannot do without continual help from above, so let this then be our prayer today: “Do not forsake me. Father, do not forsake your child, or I may fall by the hand of the enemy. Shepherd, do not forsake your lamb, or I may wander from the safety of the fold. Great Husbandman, do not forsake your plant, or I will wither and die. Do not forsake me, O LORD, now or at any moment of my life. Do not forsake me in my joys, or else they might consume my heart. Do not forsake me in my sorrows, or I might murmur against you. Do not forsake me when I repent of sin, or I might lose the hope of pardon and fall into despair; and do not forsake me in the day of my strongest faith, or else my faith might degenerate into presumption. Do not forsake me, for without you I am weak—but with you I am strong. Do not forsake me, for my path is dangerous and full of traps, and I cannot proceed without your guidance. The hen doesn’t forsake her chicks; Lord, please cover me with your feathers and allow me to find refuge under your wings. Be near me, Lord, for trouble is at hand, and there is no one else to help. Do not leave me or forsake me, oh God of my salvation!” O ever in our cleansed breast, Bid thine eternal Spirit rest; And make our secret soul to be A temple pure, and worthy thee. “Hosanna to the Living Lord,” Reginald Heber (1811) C.H. Spurgeon Morning and Evening 

May I never cease to be amazed each time that I am to write this blog.  Sometimes some things come from my experiences or from those people I come across in life.  God so arranges the words to hopefully help someone out in the world. 

I am and have been facing great personal struggles.  Both at work and at home.  At work there's been a lot of changes that I struggle to make sense of.  At home I struggle with changes that I am forced to do to get healthier.  Prayer is the only lifeline in all things to hold onto.  

Prayer often finds me before I know to do it.  I hope that Jesus is ok with how I often bungle my way through it.  There's times my mind just has the worst time letting go of stressful situations and sleep ends up eluding me. 

There's oftentimes that the only person who will listen to me is Jesus.   I can't find the words to use with others because many have troubles of their own and don't want to hear mine.  Jesus always has the time.  

My thoughts often are of how to get from a problem to a solution.  How to get from here to there.  What some easily understand sometimes I need more information to understand.  Each person is different in that I guess.

I can always tell when others are praying for me.  I am not ashamed to ask the Men's group on Facebook for their prayers for me.  My anxiety goes down when they do.  

Prayer to me is a conversation with Jesus.  It's more than just my needs and wants.  I share with Him what's on my heart and mind.  I share whatever is troubling me.  Perhaps some may think it's not as formal as a prayer should be, but this is my relationship with Jesus not theirs.  Jesus didn't like those stiff formal prayers of the Jewish leaders. He searches the hearts and minds of everyone. 

In your life are you doing your own thing or are you asking Jesus about the things in your life?  Are you talking to Jesus as a friend and not an employee?

I still need the prayers of others daily.  You get a big target on your life that Satan hones in on when you write things to encourage others towards Christ or to help them walk with Jesus better.  

You must not put your stock in the things of this world.  Success at your job is fleeting. Success at home is the same.  Life happens so fast.  You can go from extreme joy to pain in seconds.  

It's a difficult life when we wait on the Lord sometimes.  We pray for a problem and await His response.  We wait for His provision. Wait for a Word.  He promised never to leave us nor forsake us.  The sentiment behind the poem Footprints is often a reality for most if not all in this world.  The believer and unbeliever alike. The believer in how He's making them through His workmanship. The unbeliever in how He's guiding them to His Truth. 

It's not always easy to recognize when you are heading for a valley of the shadow of death but you will recognize His taking you through it. 

While I long for a peaceful respite I wait on the Lord.  While I long for His return to take me home I continue with this walk in this life.  When I am weak He is strong.  When I stay in prayer mountains can be moved.  I will easily speak of my weakness because Jesus has it covered.  

Understanding isn't always going to happen.  That's a hard truth for me.  In many ways my brain has been hardwired by God to solve problems and puzzles.  There's still many things that I can't figure out. I know that when Jesus and I see each other face to face He will explain those things to me that I can't understand right now. 

When I walk with the Lord in the light of His Word what a glory He sheds on our way.  While we do His good will He abides with us still. Never fear only Trust and Obey. Trust and Obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to Trust and Obey. 

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