Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Forgiveness Isn't Optional

Forgiveness Isn't Optional 

You have cast all my sins behind Your back. 

Father, who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of Your heritage? You do not retain Your anger forever, because You delight in mercy. You will again have compassion on me, and will subdue my iniquities. You will cast all my sins into the depths of the sea. For a mere moment You have forsaken me, but with great mercies You will gather me. With a little wrath You hid Your face from me for a moment; but with everlasting kindness You will have mercy on me, You say, my Lord, my Redeemer. You will forgive my iniquity, and my sin You will remember no more. Father, I am blessed! My transgression is forgiven, my sin is covered. I am blessed! You, Lord, do not impute my iniquity, and in my spirit there is no deceit. The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses me from all sin. I am totally unworthy of Your grace and forgiveness, Lord. 

May I never be numb to the marvelous truth that Your Son’s death cleanses me from all my sin. 

ISAIAH 38:17; MICAH 7:18–19; ISAIAH 54:7–8; JEREMIAH 31:34; PSALM 32:1–2; 1 JOHN 1:7 - Dr. David Jeremiah Life-Changing Moments with God 

Forgiveness is often harder to do than most physical labors. It can seem like a mountain with proportions we cannot fathom.  But we are indeed commanded, it's not a suggestion, to follow through with forgiveness of other's and ourselves in a Christ lead life.

We can come up with all sorts of reasons not to.  Some of those probably sound good and rational at the time. 

It will never make those reasons acceptable to God. 

If we do not wish a barrier to be between us and God, we must forgive as He has forgiven us. 

Much unnecessary misery has overtaken many lives due to embracing anger and everything that goes with not forgiving others.

Psychologically speaking it actually hurts us physically.  It causes low level stress that is constant and continuous.  Causes physical disorders and can even trigger organ failure. 

God wasn't making suggestions in this. When we came to Christ Jesus cast our sins as far as the east is from the west.  

We indeed have been forgiven much. We offended THE Holy God before we came to Christ for salvation.  Our sins condemned us to an eternal separation from God in Hell.  

Everyone watches those who call themselves Christians. Indeed they are looking for those who try to bend the rules and look for reasons not to come to Christ to be saved. We can give them reasons not to come to Christ. 

My Dear Reader...know this...regardless of the heinous crimes committed...Jesus died for all human beings.  If there's yet the breath of life in them...there's hope for the transforming power of salvation through Jesus Christ.  

Our personal feelings get in the way all too often and we essentially try to play God and want to decide who can receive salvation and who isn't worthy because of our experiences. 

We are not God. We are not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought...Romans 12. We need to forgive and leave such things, the pain, the emotional difficulties, at the cross of Christ.  We need to for our own well-being. We need to in order to walk with Jesus the way He wants and intended. 

This isn't to be confused with forgetting. We learn from our experiences. We shouldn't forget what leads to temptation. Any temptation. From the mild to the severe, there are markers to tell us where we are headed.  

Just be sure your not forgetting those markers isn't sewing seeds of bitterness and anger.  Those will put up barriers between you and God.  

Life is already too short.  We make it shorter when we consume our thinking on those things that the Bible says are unfruitful. 

We indeed want justice...but my Friend, trust me when I say, God's idea of that is far and away more than anything you can come up with.  I have seen it repeatedly in my life in regards to those who attempted things with me.  Leave justice with THE Judge.  I have seen things happen to those who came after me that blow my mind. Certainly what I saw was God's justice. 

As I have said to many after sharing such things...don't mess with God's kids. 

Forgive others as Christ Jesus has forgiven you. This is what the Bible commands.  Live life as God intended for you to live it.  Satan wishes for you to dwell on things that hurt your relationship with God.  Don't give him the time of day. 

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