"For there is no good tree that bears bad fruit, nor, on the other hand, a bad tree that bears good fruit. For each tree is known by its own fruit. For people do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they pick grapes from a briar bush. The good person out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil person out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. Now why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?
Luke 6:43-46 NASB
It's an interesting question to ask of you. But the direction of thought probably isn't where you think its going.
Many will come before Jesus claiming many things done in His Name.
Many today rate themselves in their own eyes and before the world. They don't think they are as bad as so-and-so. They at least aren't doing this or that. Don't you realize that you are indeed attempting to declare what kind of fruit you are?
Within minutes if not seconds after the Rapture of the Church, billions will likely understand what happened. World leaders will lie about what happened but most will figure it out. The clues will all be there.
People will be in disbelief that God left them here and took others that they knew.
People will either be filled with remorse, regret or rage at the God of Heaven.
In their eyes they won't see nor understand why they were left behind. They believed they were good people. Truth is good isn't good enough. They believed they hadn't done anything wrong. Yet they had. They never placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
Those in Jesus's day thought what we do today. That they were ok. Until they heard the words of Jesus they never understood how far away from God they were. People today try to rewrite the Scriptures or omit the Scriptures that reveal how utterly sinful people really are.
Whether or not you believe the Scriptures isn't relevant. God's Word is God's Word. It's power never changes nor weakens.
What you claim as truth isn't truth unless it is God's Truth.
We can't look at this world with wholesome optimistic eyes. God's Word says otherwise. This world is going to perish. This world is going to go through horrific years as outlined in the Scriptures. People throughout all of time will give an account of their lives before Jesus. People whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of Life will be judged guilty and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
The thing about fruit trees is the fruit doesn't pick what kind of fruit it is. The branches and trunk do. To bear good fruit, to be good fruit requires being on the right tree. Jesus said apart from Him you can do nothing.
You cannot live a good life.
You cannot live to His standards of Holiness.
You cannot be who you were meant to be in Christ.
Your good deeds are as filthy rags apart from a right relationship with Jesus. The Bible says that.
You can love others and not be saved, but in light of eternity you will spend it in torment in the future if you never receive Christ as your Savior.
You can’t show that you are good fruit.
Fruit is graded by more than looks. It's graded by weight and aroma. You've likely heard to not judge a book by its cover. Well this is true. We don't know the hearts of mankind. God does. In the day of Judgment, Jesus never asks anyone if they are or aren't one of His. He knows.
We are encouraged to make sure of our salvation for good reason. Once you die its too late. No second chances.
The probably most often abused Scriptures are around not judging others. Read in context we are to evaluate people. To look for those who are saved vs those who are not. We are not to cast our pearls before swine. Meaning we have to know by evaluation whether or not whom we share the Scriptures with are saved or not. Many who aren't can turn on you and trample you. We see Paul showing his evaluating people in the letters he wrote that are part of the Bible. Therefore it is NOT what people are claiming that you shouldn't judge. If in another passage we read about the log and spec...what do you think that really is? It has to do with judging as the world does. Not how God does. Before we do we should be making sure our lives reflect Christ Jesus and not our sin nature.
You neef to be sure of your salvation in Christ before that day of the Lord.
Millions will be flocking to churches everywhere seeking answers and be horrified by the truth.
For those who are claiming the name of Jesus Christ as their Savior, are you living as though you ARE part of His vine and branches? Are you living a life that says "Ask! I know who can save you!"
Jesus is coming soon. Will you be ready for that day or will you be ashamed of your fruit? Will the evidence of your life's deeds be burned up with nothing left to show you lived for Him?
Romans 12 speaks of the body. Cells in a body prove they are indeed part of the body by doing what the body requires. Cells that don't, have no part in that body.
Does your life show you as being part of the world or as part of the body of Christ.
John the Baptist preached that people should turn and repent for the Kingdom was at hand. Jesus said that there would be another coming before His return saying the same message. Right now many Godly men are preaching that message. Turn and repent. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Are you ready or are you fearful of seeing Jesus face-to-face?
Being a good person only will guarantee you that you will never see Heaven.
Only through the shed blood of Jesus is salvation possible. Only a life in Christ will bear good fruit. Only one in Christ Jesus will be good fruit.
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