Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Not by My Works, Rather by His Spirit

Not by My Works, Rather by His Spirit 

A Prayer 

I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, . . . the Spirit of truth. 

Jesus, You taught that it is to my advantage that You go away; for if You did not go away, the Helper would not come to me; but if You departed, You would send Him to me. Your Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am a child of God. I did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but I received the Spirit of adoption by whom I cry out, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit helps in my weaknesses. For I do not know what I should pray for as I ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for me with groanings which cannot be uttered. The God of hope fills me with all joy and peace in believing, that I may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in my heart by the Holy Spirit who was given to me. By this I know that I abide in God, and He in me, because He has given me of His Spirit. Your Spirit, Jesus, is an amazing gift! May His presence in my life bring glory to God! 

JOHN 14:16–17; JOHN 16:7; ROMANS 8:16; ROMANS 8:15; ROMANS 8:26; ROMANS 15:13; ROMANS 5:5; 1 JOHN 4:13

Dr.. David Jeremiah Life-Changing Moments with God 

In the teachings of this world we learn of things that are twisted variations of God’s truth. 

Specifically in this prayer we see the Truth.  

The world says we have many avenues to God. 
The world says we can have our own name for who is our God.
The world doesn't want to be changed by God.
The world says that all people can coexist. 

Jesus said, clearly, that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. 

There's no other way for entry into Heaven but through the truths of God’s Word about those who are the sanctified in Christ. Those who are justified in Christ.  The Spirit of God seals the believer in Christ.  A Holy agreement that says "paid in full", written in the blood of Jesus. 

We look at those around us and see many trying to work their way to Heaven. They will fail. 
Millions over the years, over the centuries, have tried and failed. 

There is no life that can be lived outside of Christ's atonement that can enter into Heaven. 

To enter requires sin to be removed.  I can't do it, you can't do it, nobody can do it.

When God the Father looks at one who had chosen to come to Christ, all He sees is Christ. All vestiges of sin are gone. Sin is the great inhibitor, ingrained in the souls of mankind, that prevents any possibility of living right enough to satisfy the requirements for salvation. 

It is only by an through the work of the Spirit of God does anyone come to Christ for salvation. 
It is only through a right relationship with Jesus does anyone begin to become Christ-like themselves.  The work is began by the Spirit of God. It is in His hands to do at the pace He deems necessary. 

Some have heard this phrase "let go and let God". 

Paul teaches of putting off the old self and putting on the life that is of Christ, the whole armor of God.  

In our physical world war exists.  In the Spiritual world war exists as well.  In our physical world it is who is going to take what ground that may be had.  In the Spiritual world it's about lives of people. 

In that prayer this morning we see a picture of God's truth about believers.  Of how He prepared for each person who has put their faith and trust in Christ for salvation. 

It does mean living life for different reasons than the world that has rejected Him. 

We who have come to Christ have a part in the Plan of God to reach others in this world. 

Word of mouth and the evidence of a Godly life have been perpetuated for more than 2,000 years. 

Satan's great enticement is to find the best way to distract you from either coming to Christ or from living for Christ.  The intensity of life is a smokescreen.  There is always an evil underlying intent by the enemy’s of God against those who have come to Christ and against those who are considering it. 

Everyone has an excuse.  We are all born with a sin nature that loves to come up with a good excuse not to live for God but for ourselves. The road of life has thousands of signs along the way that are there to entice you to pull off for a while.  To try to derail you getting to either salvation or to get you to stop living for Jesus. 

Satan knows he was dealt a significant, crippling loss at the cross.  He is still obsessed with finding a way, any way, to take God’s place on the Throne of God.  So blinded is he that he forgets that all it takes is the spoken word of Jesus and all in this universe obeys.

After the Tribulation and after the thousand year reign of Christ, Satan will gather mankind in one last epic assault and by the Word of God alone, through the full authority of Jesus Christ, it will be over. Not a single shot fired.

You who read this are either the saved in Christ or you are not. 

The first must choose daily to live for the One who saved you. 
The second must choose either the free gift of Salvation through Christ alone or choose the judgment of God.  No one's works will ever amount to anything in regards to saving their soul.  If it were possible then Christ died needlessly.  

Without the seal of the Spirit of God, there can be no way to escape the final judgment to come.   Life isn't about going out to live for you.  The world wants you to believe that you can be all you can be.  That you should be accepted as you are.  The Bible says that to be all we can be requires coming to Christ. The Bible teaches that God loves us too much to leave us as we are. That's why Jesus had to come, live a sinless life, be nailed to a cross. To die for the sins of all mankind. To make a way where there was no way to be saved. 

You can try all your life to live a good life apart from Christ.  You will be living a lie.

If you want to be saved from the wrath to come, you must choose to come to Christ. 

Sin is the disease, Christ Jesus is the cure.

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