Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Time is Nearer...

The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 

Heaven is a place where we will never sin. We will leave behind our constant watch against a tireless enemy, because there will be no tempter to trip us up. “There the wicked cease from turmoil” (Job 3:17), and the weary are at rest. Heaven is the undefiled inheritance; it is the land of perfect holiness, and therefore of complete security. C.H. Spurgeon Morning and Evening 

There's a heaviness in this world that's difficult to explain.  This heaviness is Spiritual in nature and increasing.  To the degree when Jesus looked ahead to His return He spoke of wondering if He would find the faith.  I wasn't alive when He spoke those words however I do think that I am living in that time He was speaking of. 

As Spurgeon was writing about Heaven, it was so wonderful to picture.  An existence without stress or struggle.  Oh the joy!

I am brought back to the here and now.  I read from my Spiritual Dad in the faith that requests to hear him speak on Bible Prophecy are declining.  One such Church declined because it might scare people. 

Hate to break it to you all, yes, Bible Prophecy has elements within that SHOULD scare you if you aren't living a life for Christ! 

We live in a self-centered world of indulgence.  It's permeated the Church.  The wolves in sheep's clothing we are warned about in Scripture are easily seen in the Church of today.  The false teachers are everywhere and what's worse is the sheep are so far removed from the Shepherd they don't recognize it and are not discipled on how to deal with it.  Church discipline is beyond rare these days to be implemented.   Someone might get offended and leave.  They might take people with them.  

Because of iniquity judgment came upon Israel for centuries. For us, it's been delayed only for a time, as Scripture says until 'the times of the Gentiles' is completed.  Every excuse a man can produce for rejection of Jesus Christ will be exhausted, then Jesus will return.  However, for those of you who shun Bible Prophecy, EVERY KNEE shall bow, EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  There will be nobody who is exempt from this.  You have two choices. Willingly or unwillingly.  But you WILL. 

This heaviness upon this world today is the intensity of Spiritual battles.  Trying at all levels from the streets to the heads of nations to twart God's plans for man. 

Only God sets up rulers and removes them.  Read it in the Bible. 
Only God protects or withholds it. Read it in the Bible. 
Only God directs the affairs of mankind. Read it in the Bible.  
Only God sent His Son to die for the sins of mankind. Read it in the Bible. 
Only Jesus was raised on the third day victorious over sin, death and the grave.  Read it in the Bible. 

Bible Prophecy scary?  Of the thousands of Prophetic things in the Bible, there is less than 500 left that we know of that have yet to come true.  So consider this my dear reader, if THAT many have come true,  what's left should have you getting your life back to a right relationship with Jesus.  There's many parables and statements in the Bible on being ready when Jesus comes back for His Church.  
The consequences are even written down concerning those who weren't ready. 

The news flash for this world and all those who are in Churches today who are not adhering to the whole counsel of will be left behind if YOU aren't truly saved by Christ alone.  The Bible is clear in saying that MANY will say Lord! Lord! Didn't we do this in your name...and He will tell them depart from Me, for I never knew you. 

Church isn't a club. It's not a place to go each week to feel better.  It's not where you go to get warm fuzzies.  

It's where you worship Jesus.  It's where you give back something of yourself to Him. It's where you learn more of how to repent and walk right with your Savior.  It's learning obedience and trust in Jesus.  It's where you are to learn to walk closely with your Savior.  It's to SUPPLEMENT your already in place walk with God in your daily life.  Scripture says we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works that He has prepared for us. Doesn't at all specify Sunday morning for two hours or just Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night. 

Look at the life of King David. His LIFE before leading as King was a life dependent upon his DAILY walk with God. 
That's what grew his faith to the level we read when he had enough of Goliath's blasphemy and was ready to be used of God to take him out.

So my friend are you living for Jesus today?  Are you reading your Bible?  Are you seeking time with Jesus?  Are you looking forward to seeing Him today?  Today certainly can be the day of His return.   Scripture says it will come as a great surprise.  Like a thief.  It will just happen and all the sudden everything you thought was important either won't matter because indeed you left with Him at His coming or it won't matter because now you will finally get it that the Bible really was telling you the truth and you wasted the opportunity to really believe.  

If you are left behind you will be forced into hiding or you will be forced to worship the man Satan will put front and center on the world stage as his person to be the Antichrist.  Indeed you may indeed lose your life by the choice you make to either fight or give in.  Regardless billions will be dying at the judgements mentioned in the book of Revelation. Not thousands, not millions, but billions. One third of mankind.  What's one third of say 8 billion people?  Read it for yourself. It's there.

My dear reader, make sure today that you know for sure where you stand right here, right now, before God.  Read the Romans Road.  It's easily searched for online.  Be sure you are in a Church that isn't compromising God's Word.  Be sure!

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