Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Only One Door

Only One Door 

“Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.” Mark 16:16 

A visiting preacher asked the inhabitants of a remote Scottish island how a person could be saved. An old man replied, “We will be saved if we repent, and forsake our sins, and turn to God.” “Yes,” said a middle-aged woman, “and with a true heart too.” “Aye,” added a third, “and with prayer.” A fourth chipped in, “It must be the prayer of the heart.” “And we must be diligent too,” said a fifth, “in keeping the commandments.” Each one, having contributed his or her opinion and feeling that a very decent creed had been established, waited for the preacher’s praise—but they had aroused his deepest pity. The fleshly mind always maps out ways in which it can work to make itself great. But the Lord’s way is quite the reverse. Believing and being baptized are not matters of merit to be proud of—they are so simple that boasting is excluded (Romans 3:27). God’s free grace wins the day. It may be that you, dear reader, are unsaved—why? Are you skeptical of the way of salvation as laid down in the Scripture? How can that be when God himself has given His own pledge? Do you think this way of salvation is too easy? Why wouldn’t you believe it? Its simplicity means those who neglect it are without excuse. To believe is simply to trust, to depend, to rely on Christ Jesus. To be baptized is to submit to the ordinance our Lord fulfilled in the Jordan, the converted ones submitted to at Pentecost, and the Philippian jailer obeyed the very night of his conversion. Baptism itself, as an outward sign, doesn’t save, but it symbolizes our death, burial, and resurrection with Jesus—and, like the Lord’s Supper, should not be neglected. Reader, do you believe in Jesus? Then, my dear friend, dismiss your fear—you will be saved. Are you still an unbeliever? Then remember that there is just one door, and if you will not enter through it, you will die in your sins. - C.H. Spurgeon Morning and Evening 

In a short post on Facebook I was compelled to write write the following:

Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near - Isaiah 55:6 

There will soon be a day when millions will cry out in Churches and in the streets for God to come back.  The Rapture of the Church will have taken place, those taken will not be returning until the day they come back with Jesus as He establishes His Kingdom here on Earth. Everything written in the Bible must take place, must be fulfilled.  

Those who call upon the name of Christ Jesus now will find Him.  They will be saved.  
Those that do not will be here during the 7 years of Judgment known as the Tribulation written about in the book of Revelation. 

The choice to stay or to go is upon you. The offer of salvation in Christ Jesus is still on the table. 

You are the one who decides to either accept or reject the offer.  Based on other passages of the Bible we can tell you clearly that time is running out.  It's very clear in the book of Revelation that billions will be dying. This world was turned on its ear in recent years but it's nothing like what's coming to those left behind. 

My prayer to all is the same as those who wrote the Bible. One one side the prayer is for as many as would come that they would be saved. The other side of the prayer is the same as is written "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!".

My Friend it almost was overwhelming how many of the entries of today's devotionals all pointed to the same thing: the return of Jesus Christ. 

In this world today, Dr. Jeremiah, Dr. Youseff, others, are switching it up to this very same theme. 

This should tell you something. Jesus is about to get up from His Throne to fulfill the rest of the Scriptures. He is almost ready to again lead captive a host of captives. Those who have died in Christ will be raised first. Those who are alive and remain will vanish. Having received their new glorified body and forever will be with Jesus. I will be with them if indeed I am alive at that point, will you?

This world is filled with smoke and mirrors. An elaborate show put on by Satan to distract you and I from the truth of God.  You may or may not be among those who are living for themselves.  Living to the standards of other so-called gods. If you are not living a changed life for Jesus Christ after coming to Him for salvation then time is running out to correct that. 

As stated earlier Churches, in the streets, in every place people can gather, after the Rapture of the Church they will gather. Seeking answers. Looking for those whom will not be found. 
They will listen to a World Leader making great boasts. He will tell lies about what has occurred. The world that remains, for the most part, WILL believe him.

Yesterday I saw more evidence of what I had only suspected decades ago. I have read stories from some of the greatest minds of our time, their warnings, that have not been heeded. The absolute danger in the rise of artificial intelligence.  It is intelligence with no morality. It can and has been very brutal and savage in the decisions it makes in a lab environment. Yet mankind pushes forward in its development of AI. 

Artificial intelligence is a product of Satan with but one purpose, and I believe it’s found in the Bible.  It will be used to reassert life on Earth after the world's economy crashes due to the Rapture of the Church.  Buying and selling will be strictly regulated. What's been built up for decades in RFID markers will be employed. This is but the beginning. 

My Dear Reader you do not have to be here!  Consider what it says in Corinthians about how one we were like children but eventually put away childish things.  For those who go to amusement parks or the county fair, sooner or later you stop doing the things that you used to do there. Both because of physical reasons and because you've lost interest. You have grown up and realize the futility of those activities. 

Realize the futility of living for yourself now. Turn to a living hope in Christ Jesus while you still can.  While He is still pulling people out of the waters of life and into His Salvation. 

Every single person will be without excuse.  There will be no reason you will ever give to Jesus as to why you refused His salvation that will grant you entry into Heaven. Your living a good and peaceful life won't be enough. Your living in harmony with your fellow man will not be enough. Your living your life your way will never be enough. If anything else would or could save you then Christ died needlessly. He suffered needlessly. He arose from the dead needlessly. 

There's only one door to Heaven. 
There's only one way to be saved. 

Only through Salvation in Christ Jesus. 

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