Thursday, October 21, 2021

Our Role...

Our Role...

He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ). John 1:41 

People become known for many things. Noah is known as a righteous man in an evil age. David is known as the man after God's own heart. Peter is known as the outspoken disciple. John is known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Judas is known as the betrayer. Paul is known as a fearless proclaimer of the gospel. Andrew is known for bringing others to Jesus. The first person Andrew brought to Jesus was his brother Peter. As soon as Peter joined the disciples, he became the spokesperson for the Twelve, while Andrew remained in the background. It was Peter, not Andrew, who rose to prominence as one of Jesus’ inner circle of three. We do not read of Andrew resenting Peter; it seems he was satisfied to bring others to Jesus and leave the results to Him. It is not surprising that Andrew found the boy with the loaves and fishes and brought him to Jesus (John 6:8–9). Andrew brought Greeks to Jesus, even though they were despised by pious Jews (John 12:20–22). There is no record of Andrew ever preaching a sermon, performing a miracle, or writing a book of Scripture. He is remembered for those whom he brought to Jesus. Andrew is a good role model for us. Our job is not to transform people into Christians nor to convict them of their sin. It is not our responsibility to make people do what they ought to do. Our task is to bring them to Jesus, and He will perform His divine work in their lives. - Blackaby Experiencing God Day by Day 

This morning I found myself reading in 1 Timothy. Paul's first letter to whom he refers to as his son in the faith.   Paul was reminding him of his responsibilities and his role in the plan of God for him.

Knowing your job is vital and essential. You cannot measure success and failure based on not knowing what you are to compare it to.

Add in what we have been talking on and off about with God’s Will, in 1 Thessalonians 4:3, we can easily see that there's a path that God has for us in our lives.  

You too have a role in God's plan. 

What to do and what not to do.  To obey or not to. In all that we do, that is the first requirement of our walk with Jesus. 

We have a lot of things that have come our way in life. All are to be viewed through what Dr. Whitcomb used to often call the lens of Scripture.  We see the advice and direction that Paul gives Timothy.  Go to the Epistles, go to the other books of the New Testament. The Handbook, if you will, of the Christian experience. 

We indeed are to not be ignorant of Satan's schemes.  Again, found in Scripture. 
We indeed are to find joy and appreciation in God's creation.  Again, found in Scripture. 

We are to walk as wise men, knowing that the time is short. Found in Scripture. 

Do you try to live life by the Scriptures or are you ignorant of them?  

It was a very powerful moment in my life years ago when I was contemplating my standing before Jesus some day.  How would I even try to explain things to the One who already knew the truth about me? How would I explain why I did or didn't do something? How would I explain that I had never read my way through the Bible even once?  How would I try to explain how little that I knew of God’s Word?  How would I try to explain my now former unhealthy interests in many things of this world?  As Paul has written in Romans, if it weren't for the Law, I wouldn't have known what various things that I was doing were really doing to my relationship with Jesus.

 Look at your life. Put yourself in those shoes.  Ask yourself those questions. Look at what eats up your life.  Are you looking towards the Sanctification of your heart, which is the will of God, or do you live for yourself?

My Dear Reader, time is short. You're deluding yourself if you dismiss the importance of a right relationship with Jesus. If you aren't living out your life with respect to God's will, then you are living for you. You really don't want to put off til tomorrow what you should be engaged in today.  Because even when tomorrow arrives you will put it off again. That's a scheme of Satan. Procrastination. 

You have responsibilities in the body of Christ. Scripture is clear in that each part of the body of Christ needs to do its own part. Cells in a body that aren't working WITH the body are called cancer.  All cancers must be removed from a body to restore the proper operation of the body. 

Know your role in the body.  Turn from sin. Be in the Word of God. Pray. Be thankful. Be about the Father's business. Be an Andrew in showing people Jesus.  

As Blackaby wrote: Our job is not to transform people into Christians nor to convict them of their sin. It is not our responsibility to make people do what they ought to do. Our task is to bring them to Jesus, and He will perform His divine work in their lives.  

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