Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The writing on the wall...it's there...

The Writing on the wall...it's there...

“Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight… . 
and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”

Luke 3:4, 6

If we are to receive the powerful presence of God, we must prepare ourselves. John the Baptist was God's messenger to help people prepare to receive the Savior of the world. John preached unwaveringly: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Matt. 3:2). Those who heard John's message and prepared their lives recognized Jesus when He came, and they left all to follow Him. This was especially true of the disciples, whose hearts God Himself prepared (Matt. 16:17). Preparation must precede God's presence!

God's instruction for preparation is specific: repent! This involves a complete change of mind, heart, will, and behavior toward Him. He is Lord, and your life must be prepared to receive Him as your Lord. Anything less is inadequate. Some were obviously unprepared to follow Jesus and missed the opportunity (Luke 9:57–62). The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were largely unprepared for His arrival. They knew the Messiah was coming. They even knew where He would be born (Matt. 2:4–6). Yet when word came that the Savior had been born, they made no effort to join Him, preferring instead their religious ritual.
If you are unprepared, you, too, will miss the opportunity to experience Jesus. You may practice religion, but you will miss God. While others encounter the Lord personally in worship, your heart will remain unmoved. As others receive a fresh word from God, you will experience a painful silence. Religious activity can never substitute for a heart that is pure before Him. - Blackaby Experiencing God Day by Day 

Last night I was prompted to write the following post:

Reading Dr. David Jeremiah's book "The Handwriting on the Wall" for sure it is...if people would get their heads out of the sand.

All the flashes of light and peals of thunder in the news has so many countless people worried and stressed. Amazed and confused.  

The world seems like it's been turned on its edge.   You're right!

In the prelude to the beginning of Jesus's ministry there was one sent to do just that. John the Baptist.  He spoke of whom was to come.  He knew of Jesus.  Knew he was related to Him.  It hadn't been revealed until the day John saw the Spirit descend upon Jesus that he knew his mission was being fulfilled.

In Daniel we read of God sending His message through a hand in front of the man who would be king. He was one of two rulers over Babylon.  He mocked the God of Israel and even intentionally took this from the Temple to drink out of.  

God sent a message that terrified him to his soul.  

God is sending this world a message too. Satan is trying to keep the noise so loud that the world can't hear it. 

The same message from John the Baptist is relevant now.  The signs are showing themselves.  As it was in the days of Noah, people are refusing to take notice. 

They are becoming oblivious to what is said...so again...God is writing on the wall. 

What you do not hear, you can read.  Yet so many professing Christians are putting their heads in the sand.  They just want to know when it will be over. That if they ignore what's going on in the world it will go away.  Problem is those people become the steward who was given a talent to use and he went and buried it until his Master came.  Is that you?

Are you a believer yet are keeping silent in a time when people must hear? 
Are you covering the light of Christ when this world needs to see their deeds that are evil?

For over a hundred years Noah was the only light in a doomed world. 

The writing on the wall is plain.

I came to provide salvation. 
I came to make a way for you to be saved, it cost me everything, but you were worth it. 
If you but come to me you can be saved. 

I am coming again and it will be soon.
There is a Great Tribulation coming.  Nothing Satan can do can stop it. 

I will return to claim those written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  Then those dark days will come. 

Will you continue to reject Me?
Will you who claim Me continue to do very little or nothing for Me?

The time is now for Salvation.  The time is not later, when you've 'enjoyed life'. You may not finish reading this before God says your time is up.  Millions thought they had a today.  When you die you either wake up in Heaven or Hell. Either opening your eyes to joy and rejoicing or to horror and shrieking misery. You choose. The greatest choice placed in the hands of mankind is that one. The writing on YOUR wall is this: Do you know Me? Am I your Savior?

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