Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Your Time?

Your Time?
By David Brenneman 

It's certainly a great disservice that we do to ourselves to not at least consider our own mortality.  We don't consider how quickly our days are really numbered. 

Time is not on our side,  nor is it a friend in all ways that matter. 

The Bible tells us to make the most of every opportunity.  We live in a world of chemically infused, in one way or another, food and drink.  We are no closer today than we were decades ago in learning what that is really doing to the human body. 

In your today,  in this particular moment of your today, consider how little time you really have left.  Not to be considered in any anxiousness but just in review.  

If we believe the Bible, the whole Bible and nothing but the Bible, we know of some pertinent things about this world and how we should live in it. 

We are visitors here, are citizens of Heaven.  Why do we put so much time, energy and effort into trying to create a version of Heaven here on Earth?  Why do we seek what the world has to offer in regards to what it says is entertainment or enjoyment?

Life is short. Life is going to have tribulations, troubles, etc. Jesus offers His comfort in that we should be happy that He's overcome the world.  

Life is supposed to have Spiritual thoughts and ideas impacting your daily life. 

If we set our minds on things above and not on the things of this world, what does that look like?

What does Ephesians 5:19-21 NASB "speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your hearts to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to our God and Father; and subject yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ." look like in today's world?  Is that a part of your mindset?

If we are indeed looking forward to the return of Jesus Christ, are we showing that?

If we are indeed laying aside the things that so easily entangle us...does it show? 

Are we at all considering our sanctification in Christ Jesus? 

Or are we really living two lives?  

Our time can be at any moment.  That time of when we stand face-to-face with Jesus.
How often do you consider that at any given second you are a heartbeat away from that?

How often do you look at your Bible and really think on how little you have used it?
How often have you thought about your tastes in music? Does it honor God or is it something else?
How often are you spending your time on you and not investing in your relationship with Jesus?

Where is your passion and zeal being used?  I am constantly saddened by people who are indeed claiming to be Christians who have shown a greater passion and loyalty to a sport than they do their purported Savior.  They show their love and devotion to movies, music, sports teams, yet hide their relationship with Jesus.  To show their attachment to the first garners acceptance from others, to show that towards Jesus often garners separation from others.  So to ask that question: do we seek the favor of God or of man?  That's for you to decide. 

You really are, we all really are, on borrowed time.  Every heartbeat is on loan.  Every breath is a gift.  We were given a set amount of time on this Earth by our Creator, are you spending that on you or on becoming more like Christ?  Are you indeed living in such a way that people see and glorify your Father in Heaven?  

There are indeed dreams that I dream of what I would have liked to have done in my life.  
The reality is those dreams cannot co-exist with the plans that God has for myself or mankind.   We need to realize we need to number our days.  Need to realize that significant truth that we will give an account of the deeds done in our bodies.  Scripture is clear in that some will be eternally embarrassed by what their deeds will in fact show.  They will have nothing to show. Nothing that will produce anything to give back to Jesus for all He's done for them. Nothing.  If that doesn't bother you in the least, my Friend, you really need to check your heart. If standing before Jesus with nothing is ok with you, your heart isn't right. 

You are placed in the body of Christ where He saw fit to place you, with a Spiritual purpose in mind.  With a Godly expectation of you doing what He placed you to be doing.  It may not be as huge or as significantly seen as a Billy Graham ministry but it IS YOUR ministry.  It's for YOU to be doing for your Savior with the time you have been given.  

We are told to make the most of our time for the days are evil.  Look around your life. See any evidence of the truth of this?  If indeed you're not living life with blinders on, you know that the truth is that we do indeed live in days that are evil.  People who are lover's of themselves.  

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet lose their soul?  What could a man give in exchange for his soul?  

Are you more knowledgeable about a team than you are your Savior?  
Are you more unwilling to let someone insult or cut-down something or someone in your life but it doesn't matter to you that the name of Christ Jesus is maligned or used in an unholy way?

Think about your time.  God gave you a gift of the breath of life.  He gave you a set amount of days. What have you done with them?  

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