Sunday, October 30, 2022

Not Alone

Not Alone
by David Brenneman

It's always a God thing when God's Word aligns between the Old and New Testament's.  I am in Jeremiah as well as 2nd Timothy. 
In Jeremiah 20, we read of his being beaten and put in stocks due to prophesying against what the people thought would happen, which was the Lord's deliverance.  Jeremiah's friends even were waiting for his failure.  They evidently weren't much in the way of friends. Although told they needed to repent, Job's friends at least stood by him.  In my other reading, 2 Timothy 4 we read of most everyone abandoning Paul. 

In both's clear that the Lord Jesus didn't abandon either of them.  In both places we see the underlying thoughts of Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

It's easy in our nearly post pandemic world to stay isolated from others.  People everywhere sometimes get concerned and go back to wearing something to help prevent the spread of anything.  We weren't created for isolation.  We were created for a relationship with our Creator God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I used to do a lot on my own growing up.  Finding friends that had my interests just wasn't happening. I found books to take me out of me and into the fantasy world.  I found books and sometimes things to work on and build, there was a world of learning out there.  To this day I still am looking to learn things. 

We're always going to have moments when we need some alone time.  Time to regroup, rethink and check our direction in life.  But we shouldn't stay there.

In Christ, technically, we're never alone, in any sense of the way things are.  The indwelling Holy Spirit is always there. When two or more are gathered, Jesus shows up.  His enemy and ours would love us to believe that we're able to be totally alone and vulnerable.  He's going about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.   But, as I heard recently and loved the way it was worded, he's a toothless lion when facing those who belong to Christ.

I know full well the dangers of being alone too long.  We are going to face temptations without even leaving where we are sitting, standing, driving, walking or riding.  In our world, the battlefield is in the mind when it comes to obeying or disobeying God.  

In Paul's last letter to Timothy he charged him with being ready in season and out of season, when people wanted to hear the truth of God and when they didn't.
He was warning hiim that he's going to face opposition.  He's going to face people that likely would get in his face about what he was preaching and teaching.  It happened to Paul, and would happen to him.  It was the MO of the enemy.  It greatly saddens me when I hear of Pastor's who've been in the battle fray and walk away.  They've abandoned their calling.  

Timothy was instructed to be ready to reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.  Confrontations would be in his future and likely they would be heavy one's.  Paul even mentions people that Timothy knew who turned against him and would be a problem for Timothy too. 

We're not in this war alone.  Face it YOU and I are in a war.  It began centuries ago with Adam and Eve's falling into sin.  We're born into it.  There's nations today where children are simply born into a war torn physical world.  We're born into a war torn spiritual world as well.   

Mostly in the last week I've seen way more evidence than I ever considered concerning the level of evil in this world.  I believe it was the Spirit who brought to mind the worlds of Christ. "As it was in the days of Noah."  I then remembered what it says in Genesis.  Jesus was sorry that He'd created man...for their thoughts were evil continually.  I have always been fascinated by archeological discoveries of pre-Flood technology.  Transistors that are indeed transistors that even today we have no equipment or devices that can power them.  Items that can only be spark plugs...again...we don't have a clue what they were used in.  Most recently...I was shown that in 1972 over 17 actual nuclear reactors that were built into the ground were discovered.  Yes, real, nuclear reactors.  These are so far down that they indeed are pre-Flood.  I've had a theory for a very long time that the Ark of God was intentionally built by hand to take the 100 plus years to build in order to give mankind more than enough time to turn and repent...even though nobody did.  Billions died in that Genesis Flood.  We have over 8 billion on this world right now...consider that geographically speaking we had similar land-mass...that's what it was before the Flood.  Billions who were marrying and being given in marriage.  People going to work, doing whatever it was that they did.  People who's mind was never on God. They lived for themselves.  They lived apart from a relationship with God.

Satan began things by getting Eve alone.  God her thinking thoughts she shouldn't have.  Adam followed suit.  
Satan would love to have the time to get everyone alone to convince us of his lies.  To follow in the footsteps of all the people he lost before the flood. 
It blows my mind that Hell went from probably a few hundred thousand to maybe a million or so people to billions within a few hours.

We're not alone when we are in Christ Jesus.  Prayer is always possible.  Even if physically we're alone we can talk with our God.
He understands us because of being in us.  We have to often explain ourselves to others...but it's never the case with Jesus.
We can often try to stay so busy we don't have time to think about how truly alone we are in this world as well.  In cases like that it's going to be highly probable that the Spirit will do things to make us less-busy.  To intentionally get us back into a healthy relationship with Jesus. 

You and I were created for a right relationship with Jesus.  While in this world we'll face battles that compete for our attention.  We will need to be 'prayed up' in order to handle life.  Seek first His kingdom.  Set your minds on things above.  Realizing the time is at hand that we could be face-to-face with Jesus.  Knowing that trusting in the Lord with all our hearts, in all our ways acknowledging Him that He will make our paths straight..does something. 

This is my 1,500th post.  It's been an awesome thing to watch God do something with.  I've only ever posted this on Facebook, and here. I've handed out business cards or mentioned the blog website address to some people.  It's passed 94,000 views this last week and shows up that it has been seen in over 29 percent of the countries of the world.  Over 59 countries out of 196.  That's God doing only what God does through the Spirit.  

The Spirit draws people to Himself.  Even when we feel the most alone the Spirit will softly draw you to Himself.  Are you listening?  
In our daily lives we can easily fool ourselves into thinking very, well, un-Godly thoughts. 
We can head towards depression, we can head towards self-centeredness. We can pursue things in this world rather than our relationship with Jesus.
The exiles in Jeremiah's time lost everything but the clothes on their backs.  Those who did what what said by Jeremiah's prophecy had their life and that's it.  They only had them and God to think about.  On their trek to Babylon they had a ton of time to think on his words.  To realize that they weren't living a life that was God honoring.  They weren't living a life that was in obedience to the Lord.  Some were told they would die where they were going.  Others were told they would see Jerusalem again.  

You were created for a purpose, on purpose.  Being alone wasn't it.  Thinking you are alone isn't it.  You may not have the latest and greatest things.  That's not important.  What's important is living that abundant life promised by Jesus for those who walk with Him as fully devoted followers.  

When we get alone too long we're in danger.  Sin is always at the ready.  Putting on the full armor of God is always necessary.  We're always in the most danger when parts of that armor are missing.   I am always the most honest with myself when I am honest with Jesus.

Jesus wants an unrestricted realtionship with you.  No walls, no obstructions.  He wants you to grow in Him...that's the workmanship He's doing in you. He wants you to help others grow in Christ.  He wants to have us be about the Father's business as He began it over 2,000 years ago.  He's returning...will He find  you being about the Father's business?    Being active in the work that the Holy Spirit has in mind for you will take your mind off you and put it where it needs to be. 
You won't think yourself as lonely or alone when you're living the life Christ intended for you.

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