Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Why do you do what you do?

Interesting to me is to see a passage in my devotional reading of my life verses.

Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."

I get up, get my coffee, spend time in God's Word.  Read several devotionals. Spend time with Jesus.  Pray with my Wife, grab a coffee to go and head on out to the day. As I start to drive away, I usually say "Ok Lord, let's do this."

I can't have a good day unless it starts that way.  I have been told recently that I am a hard worker.  Yes, because I don't work for my earthly employer.  I work for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I pray each morning for the day, for the things that Jesus has brought to my mind. For my Wife.  For several Pastors who are in my life as well as their wives.  For friends.  For people who I know who don't know Jesus yet. For my President, Vice President and their wives. 

Notice the bulk is about other people. 

But also notice were it begins. The things that Jesus has brought to my mind.

There are many times when something that I have done or said or thought has been brought back to me to confess.
The Bible says that you can't hold onto a sin and keep a right relationship with God.
Look at how Job or Daniel prayed. Their prayers covered what they knew and didn't know about sin in their lives.

I, like you, was born into sin. We can only know a life apart from it when we come to Christ and find liberty.  We can't know how thirsty we are Spiritually unless we experience the living water from Jesus.

Getting off on the right foot in the morning is important.  As important as getting dressed and making your bed.
It doesn't mean your day won't have challenges.  But it does mean you go into it with the right perspective. 
I have still had bad days even after beginning well.  It's no bad reflection on God or me.  The day would have been much worse had I not began with Jesus.
The other part is Jesus was with me and although it was difficult I was never alone.

"...though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.."

"...He leads me by still waters...He restores my soul..."

There is no where I can be with my Savior.
My work is my service to Him on my earthly employer's behalf. 

Start your day right.  Go to Jesus and get a drink.  Start your day in prayer and see where God takes you.

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